Disclaimer in General and Liability Limitation
The software, services, content, and website of Wolf casino guide are all offered “as is.” Wolf casino guide makes no unilateral promises, guarantees, or conditions, either explicit or implicit. To the greatest extent allowed by law, Wolf casino guide, its offices, agents, and other representatives are also not liable for any of the following: direct, indirect, special, or consequential loss; business or private losses, such as loss of income, savings, or profit; contract termination; loss of goodwill; loss of partnership or representation; loss of warranty; data corruption; or personal loss. Even in the event that Wolf casino guide had been informed of the possible loss, the previously indicated restrictions would still apply. Wolf casino guide disclaims any liability for the irrational actions of its users and/or outside parties.

Additionally, Wolf casino guide disclaims all liability for any content published, none of which is intended to be professional advise of any kind. Furthermore, Wolf casino guide disclaims all liability and responsibility in the unlikely event of a serious host, server, or network failure or breach, or other Vis major that falls outside of Wolf casino guide purview. This disclaimer does not, and cannot, limit or exclude any warranty or responsibility that is required by UK law, nor can it exclude or restrict any warranty or obligation that would be illegal to limit or exclude under UK relevant law. This liability limitation statement is understood by you, and you agree to abide by it in its entirety.

Disclaimer regarding Hardware Compatibility and User Satisfaction
Wolf casino guide disclaims all liability for any hardware compatibility problems that may arise from third parties. The Wolf casino guide program is not and cannot in any kind be responsible for any issues with third-party hardware, design, functionality, features, usage limitations, or safety concerns. All compatibility details should be evaluated on the relevant shop or specialized area where the service is to be downloaded. Furthermore, our website will provide clear references to all compatibility details. Since the Service only offers functioning protocols through its App, Wolf casino guide cannot be held liable for the usage of third-party devices that could result in harm to such hardware. Wolf casino guide should only be viewed as a means of using and/or controlling the third-party hardware; it does not, in any manner, expand the capability of the particular third-party hardware. When it comes to the decision to stop providing support or functionality logistics for any hardware, Wolf casino guide retains complete discretion.

Hardware malfunctions cannot be caused by using the Wolf casino guide Service. In accordance with the terms of the contract you signed with the third-party Company or individual, please get in touch with the third-party hardware supplier or company directly if you have suffered any malfunctions. You may also exercise your rights to a warranty, replacement, or repair.

Disclaimer on the consistency of the functionality, structure, content, and services
Wolf casino guide reserves the right to terminate any component of the Service at any time. Any partial or complete discontinuation of the Service’s features, structure, functionality, or content shall release Wolf casino guide from liability. If you have any problems about these components, please provide us with the necessary comments.
Disclaimer of Content and Restriction of Rights

The majority of the content on this website is original, unless otherwise noted and/or attributed. Content on the site is collected, edited, and published in compliance with all relevant UK and international standards for intellectual property law, with respect to the Authors (Licensors). All copyright and/or other intellectual property rights to the entirety of the content on the Service are owned and controlled by Wolf casino guide in collaboration with the Authors (Licensors). The entirety of this service’s content, including but not limited to its sections that are or are not accessible to the general public, registered users, individuals with permission to access particular sections of the service, etc., is protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights. Any unilaterally made declarations that completely or partially waive a copyright or other intellectual property right are void. All potential future licensing and/or transfers of copyright and/or other intellectual property rights pertaining to the layout, content, and/or functionality of this Service may only be made through a legally binding agreement between Wolf casino guide and visitors to this Service. This agreement must expressly consent to the transfer of these rights to third parties upon their prior request.

Users may view the pages on this service that are permitted for their use; download pages for “caching” in a web browser; print pages from this service; stream audio or video files from this service; use the services provided by this service through a web browser on a computer or mobile device; and use the content, functionality, and/or services of this service for personal (business) purposes in compliance with the terms and conditions of this service.

One is to prohibit the following actions, with the possibility of legal action and/or punishment: – Downloading content from this Service and/or saving it to a personal computer, mobile device, or other storage device; – Editing or changing content directly on this Service. Furthermore, it is prohibited to: – Republish content from this Service; – Exploit or redistribute content from this Service for commercial purposes; – Sell, rent, or sublet content from this Service for profit or any other purpose; – Show content from this Service in public. This is all except Licensors/Authors, who have expressly reserved their rights to do otherwise.

It is forbidden to: – Sell, rent, or sublet content on this Service; – Republish material from this Service; – Copy, reproduce, duplicate, modify, or recreate content from this Service (unless the content is specifically made available for these purposes); – Redistributing content from this Service (unless the content is specifically made available for this specific purpose) without the appropriate consent (licensing and/or sublicensing). The site’s content cannot be transferred to a specific petitioner seeking a license or sublicense if it is already covered by an exclusive license. The administrators of the Service DO NOT guarantee that every individual, organization, or other third party that has submitted a formal request for licensing will receive permission (henceforth: License). You can email or mail a request for a license to use any content on this website. Written or electronic requests will be accepted, and licenses will be granted accordingly. Keep in mind that any unilateral transfer of intellectual property rights, including copyright, is void. If Wolf casino guide obtained the content for this service through a particular license that calls for the author’s approval or attribution, a potential sublicense would be granted in writing or electronically after meeting the requirements of that particular sublicensing. All of the parties concerned will agree to these terms and will give their approval for additional licensing of licensed content. Keep in mind that any unilateral transfer of intellectual property rights, including copyright, is void. Any infringement on intellectual property rights or content that is authorized by UK law does not exclude Wolf casino guide from handling the matter as it deems fit. Be aware that there is no prohibition on pursuing legal action against the person or organization responsible for the violation.

In accordance with the instructions provided in our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to report any suspected abuse. You can report concerns about abuse by email or by completing a special form that is provided on this service.

Notice about User-generated Content
To the best of its ability, Wolf casino guide offers a platform free of vulgar, offensive, or profound user inputs. While Wolf casino guide cannot be held accountable for user behavior on our platform, it does have the right to remove any material that violates our policies in the event of an independent investigation, a request for information, or a user report.

Notice regarding potential product variations
Since these parameters are provided by Users, Wolf casino guide cannot guarantee the accuracy and empirical correctness of the descriptions provided by the Website (e.g., clothing sizes, measurements based on official sizing or measurement charts). Wolf casino guide cannot, and considers it unreasonable as a seller, to guarantee for the accuracy of the displayed color or texture on the photographs displaying the products which could be offered throughout its service due to different personal and/or performance settings of mobile or static computer displays. The performance or customized settings of Users’ displays may result in incorrect color or texture selections for which Wolf casino guide shall not be held accountable. However, the Service reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to correct any errors that may have occurred during the process of demonstrating the accuracy of the product through empirical measurements. As a possible social platform for the exchange of commodities, Wolf casino guide disclaims any duty in the event that labels show a different measurement based on a particular measurement chart.

Disclaimer Regarding General Services
The Service is designed as an intricate piece of software that processes data based on the information you have given. Please be aware that if any of the variables have not been correctly imputed, then no such operation can produce valid results. As a result, the service disclaims all liability from the services’ outputs, even though some factors might not have been taken into account. The result of the service never offers a professional opinion on a given topic. Additionally, the Service provides forecasts and statistics derived from our unique software processes. Please be aware that these forecast and analytics outputs are intended solely for your own use. You may utilize them as a starting point for research or as a source of information for forming an informed opinion. The service removes itself from and disclaims any duty for using this software as the foundation for any personal or professional choice without first seeking professional advice.

Notice Regarding Supplementary Services
In the future, Wolf casino guide might provide newsletters, add-ons, subscriptions, and service functionality extensions. The aforementioned will be interpreted for the purposes of this subsection as a one-time, limited, and non-transferrable licensed element intended to increase the Website’s functionality. We reserve the right to pick which of the aforementioned elements will remain, and we cannot and will not be held responsible for any change, modification, or cessation of the aforementioned elements.

Disclaimer Regarding Prices
Pricing for new features, goods, services, add-ons, and in-app purchases must be stated in a selected exchange rate for the purposes of this agreement. Please be aware that you will be directed to a separate section of our service where a breakdown of the final price and any available delivery options—which may have different prices—will be shown before you can complete the payment. The price breakdown that appears at checkout will take precedence over any previous offers. All other terms will remain the same if they aren’t changed expressly at checkout. Please be aware that your payment must be done in the equivalent of the designated currency as of the submission date, using the money transfer service offered by your local bank or the set exchange rate between the designated payment currency and another currency. Additionally, keep in mind that prices for goods may range throughout jurisdictions due to variations in taxes or other regulations that may impact the final cost of the good. Wolf casino guide has no control over any additional taxes or fees that the Users may be subject to from their individual money transfer service providers; hence, Wolf casino guide cannot be held accountable for any of the aforementioned.

Notice also that, unless both of you agree otherwise, you are solely responsible for any transactions that take place between You and other Users outside of Wolf casino guide scope of services, specifically outside of the website itself. The transaction and subsequent execution of any potential agreement between the two Users shall be their sole responsibility if such a transaction is handled through Wolf casino guide communication protocols between two Users and transactional protocols outside the Service are used.

Because the Service does not handle financial transactions, does not have potential products that are to be sold in stock, or functions as a transport provider for Users, Users are solely responsible for the execution of any contract between two Users, whether solemnized via Wolf casino guide or outside its scope of Services.

Notice regarding targeted advertisements and analytics
You hereby acknowledge and agree that it is fair for Wolf casino guide to depend on our Services for operational needs. Third-party analytics and advertising services are included in the service; these may provide us with information about user response to specific website sections, traffic patterns, and demographics. This is done by using a technique that makes the information totally anonymous, making it impossible to identify any individual user from the data gathered. Services for placing advertisements (including, but not limited to, Google AdSense) offer targeted advertisements that might be of interest to you as a member of a wider demographic.

Some Businesses and Services use Google AdSense to advertise themselves on other websites, including Wolf casino guide. We disassociate ourselves from any statements made in the placed advertisement and are not responsible for the actions of any third party that is advertised on our website. We also do not support or recommend any third-party websites, applications, services, or products in any manner. Any link that can take you to another website is not within our control. It is advised that you familiarize yourself with the Terms of the Website(s) that are connected to the advertisement before using them.

Notice regarding the transfer of information
Information security is a top priority for Wolf casino guide. Should the Service be the subject of a business acquisition, either entirely or partially, some or all of the transferred assets may include personal information. The same level of security and privacy protection that Wolf casino guide currently guarantees will be applied to these assets. We thus notify you that your submission to our service may be viewed by anybody worldwide due to certain communication and user submission options. You also acknowledge that we do not promote or favor any submission in any form. Without limiting ourselves to your own user profile, we disassociate ourselves from any remarks or viewpoints expressed in the open forum or in other public contribution areas. Please take note that any submission that violates the terms of service, privacy policy, standards of intellectual property law, or this disclaimer may be removed at our sole discretion.

Disclaimer Regarding Fair Information Practices and Security Vulnerabilities
In the one instance where Wolf casino guide violated moral and etiquette standards and fair information practices by failing to detect a security issue in the Service, it will be held accountable. Wolf casino guide will send you an email informing you of any potential security violation. In the event that a security breach is discovered, the Service will evaluate the issue and eliminate the threat as soon as possible.

Restrictions on Liability
Your continuing use of our services in any of the aforementioned situations indicates that you understand and agree to the liability restrictions stated above. If Users seek remedy from any of the aforementioned Disclaimers, the Service will not address any claims.

Guidelines for interpretation
As both parties have the option to stop using or providing the Service at any time, Users acknowledge that there is no weaker party in this agreement.

Statement on Consumer Protection and Privacy
Unless otherwise specified in this agreement, the data you submit when using Wolf casino guide will only be used to get in touch with you about the scope of services the company offers or to calculate future charges. If users do not unilaterally break the Terms set out in these documents, nothing in the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, or any related papers to which you express permission (either explicitly or implicitly) is intended to violate consumer rights.